Homeopathy is a holistic system of health and vitality that uses the energetic profile or “imprint” of a natural resource such as a plant or mineral to stimulate a restorative response within the body.
We are energic beings and each of us have our own unique energy. The plants and natural substances around us also contain unique energy that often align with us. Match the profile of the person or animal to the remedy’s energetic profile and a restorative response will occur. Homeopathy is holistic, but not everything holistic is homeopathic.
Homeopathy is based on the core principle that ‘like cures like’ i.e., a substance that can cause complaints if taken in large doses, can be used in minute doses to relieve similar discomfort.
Minimum dose, meaning the smallest amount of substance that will bring about restoration is to be used.
Homeopathy is tailored to each person or animal according to their complete profile. This will include observing the physical, mental, and emotional discomfort.
What is a CONSTITUTIONAL remedy and how can we find yours?
A Constitutional Remedy serves as a tailored solution that helps individuals regain balance during various acute or chronic conditions, extending beyond just specific issues. To identify your constitutional remedy, we begin by examining your physical, mental, and emotional states, both past and present, along with life events that may have influenced your current complaints. After constructing your Homeopathic Profile, we align it with the remedy's profile. While there may be multiple potential matches, typically, there is a distinct indicator that reveals which remedy will best facilitate restoration for your unique situation.
Why is it important to discover your Constitutional Remedy?
We utilize a variety of remedies to address a wide range of issues. For instance, Belladonna is frequently suggested to help lower a fever. Apis is often recommended to alleviate swelling caused by a bee sting. Your Constitutional Remedy can also support restoration in these and many other circumstances, ultimately improving your overall health.
​​Please contact us if you would like to learn more about homeopathy. We offer a series of homeopathic educational options with the goal to educate and support you in your health and self-reliance. 781.258.0618